Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pretty but pricey

I like these tiny 15x15cm oil paintings by Lisa Hirst, but at 110 pounds each, I think they are a little pricey.  If they were a little larger perhaps I'd consider it?


  1. Imagine all 3 together on the wall. But I couldn't pay that price either, especially when you convert!

  2. OOHHH... the images are brilliant.. But far too expensive!! May be I'd consider one.. :-)

  3. Thank you very much for presenting my work here!
    And thanks for your kind comments! I am sorry that my paintings are too expensive for you, but they are not 110 pounds - they cost 110 euros!!

    Nevertheless, for all my fans, I offer you 15% discount by using the code - 03LHC09h - at the checkout in my shop. Visit


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